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INROAD Collaborative Rubber Development Project for North-East


INROAD (Indian Natural Rubber Operations For Assisted Development) is a collaborative project of  the Tyre Industry and Rubber Board for making India Atma Nirbhar in Rubber 


Natural Rubber occupies an important position amongst the critical raw materials required for the growth of the manufacturing industry in India. The total turnover of rubber-based industries in India is estimated at Rs 110,000 crores in 2021-22, with the export realisation estimated at Rs 30,000 crores.
India is one of the few countries which has a complete NR value chain – i.e. it produces NR as well as its value-added products. The Tyre industry is the major consumer of NR in India as it utilizes over 70% of the total NR produced in the country. It is estimated that by 2030, the country will require about 20 Lakh tonnes of NR per year.


Project Components


  1. Development of Rubber plantation in additional 200,000 hectares in North East & West Bengal by providing support to the Rubber Board in undertaking various activities concerning the plantations.
  2. Enhancement of quality and productivity of rubber by taking appropriate initiatives in all rubber growing regions.
  3. Training and skill development of various stakeholders along the NR value chain in all rubber growing regions.

Broad Area of Intervention / Specific Activities



Specific Activities

  1. Interest Subvention for loans availed by farmers

  2. Assistance in loan syndication


Specific Activities

  1. Creating infrastructure for training facilities

  2. Conducting training programmes for farmers, tappers, etc. practices and technologies

  3. Capacity building of sector stakeholders


Specific Activities

  1. Supporting pre-planting operations (land preparation)

  2. Providing good quality planting material and farm inputs (fertilisers, fungicide, pesticide etc) to the farmers

  3. Providing irrigation facilities

  4. Building water conservation pits, gully plugging, cover crop planting etc.


Specific Activities

  1. Creation of Model smoke houses

  2. Upgradation/repairs of the existing smoke house

  3. Training of staff to manage smoke houses

  4. Creation of crop weighing and related infrastructure


Specific Activities

  1. Coordination with various agencies / partners

  2. Physical and financial monitoring of the project

  3. Branding and Communication


Specific Activities

  1. Fencing / gates in plantation farms to protect Rubber plants

  2. Capacity building of sector stakeholders

Project Implementation Mechanism

Host Institution

Technical Agency
Participating Member Companies (PMCs)

 Potential Project Impact

The project envisages all-round development of all north eastern states in an organised and structured manner. While on one hand, it will lead to increased production of Natural Rubber for the industry, it will also help in socio-economic development of resource poor population in these states by way of providing increased employment / livelihood opportunities both in upstream and downstream sectors of rubber value chain as a result of increased / rapid industrial growth. 
Project's Expected


Increased production of Natural Rubber
Generate direct employment - around 825 mandays /ha during immature phase – provide permanent job opportunity for 0. 5 persons per ha. in matured phase .
Indirect benefits - development of nurseries; production of other plantation inputs; intercropping, more business / work for rubber dealers, processors etc .
Development of local small scale industry - wood cutting & processing, furniture making etc .
Additional Income opportunities through other on farm activities like Bee keeping etc
Contribute towards tribal settlement

Provides a green leguminous ground cover and green umbrella above the soil
Rubber tree has almost all the attributes of a forest species / Carbon footprints / Green Funding
Purifies atmosphere through carbon sequestration
Improves soil properties through addition of organic matter, keeps the soil cool, enriches fertility, porosity & water intake capacity
Project Background

Natural Rubber occupies an important position amongst the critical raw materials required for growth of manufacturing industry in India. The total turnover of rubber based industries in India is estimated at Rs 110,000 crores in 2021-22, with the export realisation estimated Rs 30,000 crores.

India is one of the few countries which has a complete NR value chain – i.e. it produces NR as well as its value added products. Tyre industry is the major consumer of NR in India as it utilizes over 70% of the total NR produced in the country. It is estimated that by 2030, the country would require about 20 Lakh tonnes of NR per year. The current NR production in India is in the range of 7-8 Lakh tonnes per year. At present, nearly 40% of the NR requirement is met through imports and the NR demand–supply gap continues to be high since 2012-13.

But given the importance of such strategic raw material, uncertainty in the global markets and risks associated, the country needs to focus on increasing the domestic NR production to become self-reliant and avoid dependence on import of this critical raw material. The production of NR in India is highly concentrated in few areas:

  1. Traditional regions (Kerala, Tamil Nadu);
  2. North Eastern States (Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland);
  3. Other Non traditional states (Karnataka, Maharashtra).

The traditional areas account for 3/4th of the national production with Kerala alone accounting for 73% of total NR production in India. With annual production at around 74,000 tones, Tripura is 2nd largest producer of NR with its share standing at over 10%.

With traditional areas attaining saturation in terms of land availability, there is a need to expand production in non-traditional areas like the North Eastern states